Salem Trust:
An Authentic
Difference ®

February 15, 2021

Salem Trust will close it's Hollywood, Florida, office beginning in March of this year. Our employees and customer service will not be impacted. Please read the press release.

August 2, 2020

Salem Trust Company completed a system transition on March 1, 2020.Recurring monthly pension payments received in April will show year-to-date information beginning on that date. Toward the end of the year, the previous provider will send you a 1099-R for taxes withheld in January, February and March.  Please see the full announcement for more details.

April 30, 2020

A wonderful compliment from a client’s Chairman of the Board: “Mindy Johnson is our hero. Her diligence and attention to detail uncovered excessive trading activity in our accounts of which we were unaware. She is serious about her fiduciary responsibility to our plan and takes many extra steps to keep our assets safe."

SalemTrust Asset Custody

It’s Our Only Business

Being the only company focused exclusively on asset safekeeping is
An Authentic Difference ®>>>

Salem Trust Public Pension Plans and Institutional Clients

Public Pension Plans and Institutional Clients

Focusing on two types of clients creates
An Authentic Difference®>>>

SalemTrust Serving Your Industry Partners

Serving Your Industry Partners

Service Providers, Investment Managers, Stakeholders deserve
An Authentic Difference®>>>

The Salem Trust Service Pledge

Our success as an institutional custodian is determined by you. Our pledge is to deliver custody services that create relationships that last for decades.

Learn More


Investment positions custodied, including manually-priced sundry assets


of the 2017 S&P 500 are named in securities class action lawsuits. Salem Trust offers a hassle-free solution


Of our 75,000 annual pension benefit payments are issued on the first payment date of the month; neither snowstorm nor hurricane prevents us from reaching a retiree

An Authentic Difference


happens because of direct access to real professionals and real service

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